Watch the Me The Machine video!

Hello everyone, Heap here!

As you are all to aware, as am I. The album release has been continually delayed, frustratingly through no fault of our own. Today is Earth Day and 2 years ago I performed the first version of Me The Machine written with and for my Mi.Mu gloves. I am dying to let you hear the album but I have to wait, but today I want to let you hear and see the studio version and the additional music video. Hope you really enjoy it!

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]

Most of the visuals are being manipulated live using my Mi.Mu gloves as I didn’t just want to mime. So I went one step further and worked with the team on getting the gloves ready for visual manipulations.

If you don’t already know, the Mi.Mu glove system is now on Kickstarter with only a few days left and a long way to go! It’s very likely that we are not going to make our goal but we have an exciting back up plan for those people who do pledge for the gloves themselves. Having said that, ideally we would like to reach our goal, so please support in any way if you can!

These gloves are literally a dream come true for me and either way, kickstarter or not… they will survive (as I’ll be using them) and somehow get into the hands of others, as all of us on the gloves team believe, the world needs them (but of course we would do).

Also… a reminder of Love The Earth film. Some of you 2 years ago were tuned in for the original Me The Machine streamed performance from my garden, will also know that we premièred the Love The Earth film. Not heard of it?? Well In November 2010 another dream came true when I conducted, performed and premièred my first orchestral score to the beautiful crowd sourced nature film ‘Love The Earth’ at the Royal Albert Hall. A stunning collaborative film from hundreds of people’s footage, sent in from all over the world.

Head over to where you can hear the story and see the final film (it’s a BIG file so may take a while to play) in all it’s glory with the final recordings I made in my home studio using the orchestral performance from The Royal Albert Hall performance mixed with some of my studio wizardry.

Again, HUGE thank you to everyone who was a part of this gorgeous film. If you haven’t already seen it, you’re in for a treat!!

Please share the news and links.

Love from me!

Am now about to record a Heap vBlog as it’s time to start a new series!! Lots going on in Heap land.

Yours, the tall bird

An update on the Gloves Kickstarter campaign from Imogen


Hello there!

Very exciting that our gloves are now 20% funded but we are still a way off our goal with just 27 days to go.

Myself and the rest of us on the Mi.Mu gloves team have announced some rather fabulous mid-level pledges for those of you who fancy a spot of DIY (I know I do ;)!  Maybe add the components to your own favourite gloves or just buy the material without the tech innards if you like the look of them? There’s also some spots to come to a workshop with us where we’ll show you how to make them, then get you up and running!

OR.. if you really want a pair of gloves but just not quite yet (as these early pairs have to be expensive due to small run/ research and development and basically being hand made), you can ‘keep your seat warm’ and pledge £10 to get into the queue for the time when we figure out how to manufacture them cheaper! This could be a year or maybe two from now though!

If you haven’t had a look yet… you can also buy a limited edition signed CD of Me The Machine (that is only ever going to be available in the Deluxe Box Set and nowhere else ever again) that includes the video, making of documentary, instrumental version and 12 pages of delicious artwork. Or you can buy the Streemliner (digital) version of all of that for £5. OR if you’re into a spot of remixing, there’s a chance to buy the Me The Machine stems for £50. I will release all stems of all songs from Sparks in time for the same price.

There’s also an option to buy all of the lower tier pledges for £100 that gets you, streemliner, a warm seat, the signed CD AND the stems for £100 (as you can’t select multiple pledges).

Check out the kickstarter campaign page here!

So… If you haven’t already pledged something PLEASE DO! These gloves are AMAZING to play with. They have changed the way I think about and create music, a dream come true and I so wish to get these onto the hands of others to get that ‘gLoving feeling’!. It’s got to happen basically! In general I hate asking for help but on this occasion… Please spread the word and take part!

Love of gLove, Immi! xx

Get your hands in a pair of Imogen’s Mi.Mu gloves via Kickstarter!


You’ve heard all about Imogen’s musical Gloves and you’ve seen the videos of her performing with them…well now it’s your chance to own a pair!

Imogen and her team of musicians and engineers have set up a Kickstarter campaign to bring the Mi.Mu gloves to the masses, at an affordable price.

In their own words:

“The time has arrived!  We are making the first Mi.Mu gloves available to people who want to work with us to shift the paradigm of how music is made and performed.  This Kickstarter campaign has been designed to take us from where we are now, having created a self-funded, elaborate, and wildly successful gestural music system with and for Imogen Heap, to finalising a design that can be open-sourced, allowing everyone access to the power of glove.”

Even if you don’t need a pair of the Gloves, you can back the campaign for a small amount and get an exclusive Streemliner containing audio, video and artwork for ‘Me The Machine’ – the first song created with the Gloves!

To find out how you can back the Gloves and get your hands in a pair, check out the Kickstarter campaign here.